Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Works: Current Writing

If you ask me what I am, my first answer will probably be "I'm a writer." Okay, I get it, that doesn't really make me special. Lots of people like to write. Lots of teenagers like to write. Yeah, well, me too. The cool thing is to see how much my life as an expat has influenced my writing. If I lived in America my entire life, I probably wouldn't have a fantasy story taking place in the ruins of Shanghai with a Han Chinese girl as my protagonist, or an Arabian faerie-tale that takes place in Marrakesh. So yeah. Here's a rundown of my main projects, from biggest to smallest:

A five-part book series that I've been conceiving, writing, and creating for several years. I recently finished the first book, Spark, and I'm now working on the sequel (steampunk!) called Ironsong. This is my main project that I've been working on for about four years, and I love it. Snippets of excerpts and more information are available on my main blog. 

A single-standing novel about a boy with PTSD and depression who sees a monster whenever he looks in the mirror, and can't stop killing people. 

The Night Dance
The story of the Twelve Dancing Princesses, rewritten from another point of view. Ora is a serving girl in King Pierus' castle, and is chosen to follow his nine daughters when they travel each night to another world. 


  1. Not at all :)

    I write military fantasy and sci-fi. . .

    Really harsh, really gory, grim, dark, and realistic military SF&F (Think the beach landing of Saving Private Ryan)

  2. Wow. :) I'm addicted to steampunk and the gritter, non-medieval fantasy genre, with touches of sci-fi. :D

  3. Heh. I enjoy it too, although you can imagine how hard it is to find fantasy that I like. Sci-Fi isn't so hard though.

    Do you have any recommendations?

  4. Right now I'm kind of addicted to China Mievelle, a London writer. If you haven't read his stuff, you should. His stuff is a bit overwhelming, but his sense of description is beautiful and there's a lot imagination. I would suggest checking out The Scar - it's his best work, in my opinion.

  5. China Mievelle? I read 57ish pages of a book called King Rat, which my aunt is still lending to me..

  6. I haven't read King Rat, but Perdido Street Station and The Scar are both good books in my opinion. Maybe you should try those out.
